AlphaZetta People

Craig Savage – Independent Analytics Consultant

Dr Craig “(Doc) Savage” is a Melbourne based analytics consultant. Craig has a diverse background and education across a wide number of technical and business domains, including rocket science and bringing sight to the blind. His international career includes defence work, biomedical engineering (Bionic Vision Australia at the University [...]

2020-10-30T02:13:39+00:00October 30th, 2020|Categories: News Centre, AlphaZetta People|

ML Café Podcast: Dr Eugene Dubossarsky on What’s real and what’s hype in decades of ML, with Miklos Toth

Session duration: 52 min, 38 sec Date recorded: 21 May 2020 Our very own Eugene Dubossarsky talks to Miklos Toth and Levente Szabados in this episode of Machine Learning Café. Eugene Dubossarsky is Chief Data Scientist at AlphaZetta and co-founder at multiple data science companies in Australia. He is also Managing Partner [...]

2020-05-31T05:10:00+00:00May 31st, 2020|Categories: AlphaZetta Academy, News Centre, AlphaZetta People|Tags: , , , |

Talking Business Podcast: Dr Eugene Dubossarsky on how important data is for business, with Leon Gettler

Dr Eugene Dubossarsky is Managing Partner AlphaZetta Academy & AlphaZetta's Chief Data Scientist Segment duration: 11 min, 06 sec Date recorded: 28 Feb 2020 Transcript Leon: How important is data for business now? Eugene: Data is crucial to some businesses, obviously so, but very important [...]

2020-03-24T03:07:34+00:00February 28th, 2020|Categories: News Centre, AlphaZetta People|Tags: , , |

Data Futurology Podcast: Data transparency to build consumer trust – with Tony Ohlsson

The Data Futurology Podcast series is hosted by Felipe Flores. In this instalment, Felipe interviews our founder Tony Ohlsson about Data transparency to build consumer trust. You can also read the summary over on the Data Futurology Podcast page. [fusion_soundcloud url="" layout="classic" comments="no" show_related="no" show_user="yes" auto_play="no" [...]

2020-03-24T02:56:45+00:00January 17th, 2020|Categories: Articles we Like, News Centre, AlphaZetta People|

Tony Ohlsson wins 4th in IAPA 2019 Top 25 Analytics Leaders program

2 August, 2019 Tony Ohlsson has been awarded 4th place in the IAPA 2019 Top 25 Analytics Leaders award. IAPA (Institute of Analytics Professionals of Australia) is Australia’s peak industry body for analytics professionals. Their panel of analytics and business leaders judge nominations on their contribution to strategy and [...]

2020-03-24T02:57:21+00:00August 21st, 2019|Categories: News Centre, AlphaZetta People|Tags: |

Nathan Kinch – An expert at the intersection of data ethics, customer privacy and experience design

Nathan Kinch shares his thoughts on what AlphaZetta does for him - he values the ability to immediately tap into a global network of people whose values are aligned and therefore ethics really matters to them. Nathan tells us about his company, Greater than X, which works at the [...]

2020-03-24T02:58:29+00:00August 19th, 2019|Categories: News Centre, AlphaZetta People|Tags: |

Talking Business Podcast: Alec Gardner on what AlphaZetta is all about, with Leon Gettler

Alec Gardner (Managing Partner, Australia) chats to Leon Gettler about how AlphaZetta is supporting freelancers by providing a full service consulting backbone; fully developed service offerings and business use cases to take to market, project opportunities, a team environment facilitating collaboration, and supporting startups with a Solutions platform to [...]

2020-03-24T02:58:57+00:00August 19th, 2018|Categories: News Centre, AlphaZetta People|Tags: |

Niels-Axel Berthelsen – Business & Strategy Professional, IoT & (Cyber) Security

Niels-Axel Berthelsen is an AlphaZetta consultant. In this video he talks about the increasing importance of cyber security and operational technology security with the rise of IOT. The security industry is changing. Where it used to be perimeter security, physical and logical access we are now starting to talk [...]

2020-03-24T02:59:12+00:00July 20th, 2018|Categories: News Centre, AlphaZetta People|Tags: |
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