Dr Craig “(Doc) Savage” is a Melbourne based analytics consultant. Craig has a diverse background and education across a wide number of technical and business domains, including rocket science and bringing sight to the blind. His international career includes defence work, biomedical engineering (Bionic Vision Australia at the University of Melbourne), teaching, and risk modelling.
He has worked in algorithm development, prototype systems, process improvements and mathematical modelling for two decades. He brings experience working as a liaison between disparate groups, including industry and academia, analysts and management, and engineers and medical professionals.
In this 2 minute video, Craig talks about his background and motivation to bridge the gap between the technical and business domain; raising awareness, learning and building better outcomes in the process.
Craig is an active member in the Australian analytics community and in the video he provides his advice for aspiring consultants: how to network effectively, to contribute to, and benefit from the network you build.
Craig is a verified AlphaZetta Consultant and AlphaZetta Academy Trainer.
Contact us if you’d like to engage Craig in a project!